Our Relationship With Pain

When it comes to pain we have a choice. How we react to pain can make it our enemy or our friend.

Let us take a look at the way we view pain and what meanings we might give to whatever is happening in our body.

  • What is it about the pain that you find yourself focusing on the most?
  • How do you verbalize to your friends and family what it feels like?
  • What words or gestures do you use to describe how it is affecting your life?
  • What are your facial expressions like?

It is our natural birthright to be well and healthy

If we are not feeling very well or are feeling that something is not quite as it should be, it might be a good indication that we are out of alignment with our normal healthy natural state of being which is by default, pain-free.

Pain doesn’t feel very nice but instead of immediately interpreting it as the ‘enemy’ we might be better off choosing to see it as a useful signal from our body to indicate that it would like us to do something to bring it back to its natural healthy original state.

Things of similar vibration are drawn towards each other.

Like attracts like, whether that is something negative or positive.

Whenever you continue to feel victimized and hopeless around pain you may attract towards you more things to feel hopeless and miserable about. This was my experience during the 6 or so years that I was drawn in and suffering from chronic fatigue!

When you are feeling doubtful about becoming well again, opportunities of becoming well and pain-free may elude you because the Law of Attraction matches like with like. However, if you see it as a signal to turn things around then things can be turned around as you switch vibrations.

It was only when I started to listen to what messages my pain might want to give that I moved towards feeling hopeful about how my body and my life could be different. Within a very short space of time, I found myself completely healed and full of expansive energy and joy.

Every time you experience an initial onset of pain you will probably find as I did, that all of your attention is immediately drawn to it like a magnet. This is a natural first response and is the body’s way of getting your attention.

But you don’t need to stay there!

The problem arises when you get stuck on the pain and dwell on it for too long so that it turns from signal to a more chronic condition.

Once you have reassured yourself there’s no immediate danger (and if there is, you may need to seek immediate medical attention) you could turn things around by making a deliberate choice to feel hopeful of recovery and focusing on that.

Mindful focus

Practise bringing your focus gently away from the pain and towards the parts of your body that are healthy and feel good, thereby opening a way for recovery to be attracted towards you.

You might, for example, be experiencing pain in your lower back or in your hip, knee or shoulder. At this point you could try relaxing deeply through breathing and choosing, as an experiment, to focus instead on the ease with which you breathe or how easy and delightful it is to be able to wiggle your fingers and toes …

You will begin to think and feel differently about your body which will then support you by churning out feel-good hormones in response to your lighter focus. As that happens any pain you were experiencing will start to slowly dissolve.

This process you can help shift the balance of your thoughts around pain to a place where you can begin to attract a healthy flow of wellness and restoration which can lead back to full vibrant health and a lessening or even complete resolution of pain.

We don’t need to let pain take our power away. Nor our good feelings. We have the resources to make powerful choices for ourselves in line with the natural laws of the universe that are there to support us. You are the master of your thoughts, feelings and focus. You can bring about whatever it is you desire just by switching to what you want rather than what you don’t.


If you would like to receive further support on the path of healing your pain and unleashing your joy please feel free to contact me or schedule a free 20 min call to discuss what options are available

Lets Talk Transformation

Our Telegram community ‘Truly Transformational’ is also full of resources for handling stress, anxiety, the inner critic, connecting to unconditional loving awareness and moving towards peace, vibrant health and well-being.

Join our community now!

“Since I joined the group, I have learned how to slow my thoughts through simple breathing techniques, and then connect my breathing to my heart. I’ve learned how to quieten my mind enough to hear and listen to my heart. I’ve learned that I am enough, and I have always been enough, I am loved, and I have always been loved and am love. I have always been… I had just forgotten.

Now I am learning to remember.

The best thing of all that I have learned, is that I always have a choice. I can choose whatever I like. I am learning to become an observer of my thoughts and reactions, which is enabling me to realize that there are other options, other thoughts to think… which create other feelings… I can choose to feel happy whenever I wish, no matter what I might have previously automatically thought. I love this feeling – it feels like being free… to be me… to be happy and loved… and to love x Joy, much love and gratitude to you… Today, I am remembering, and my wish is that I remember this every single day of my life xxx”

Liz Fleming

About the author

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